Score Submission Links

Final round submission sheet (Google Sheet): link

Final round submission form (Google Form): link

Head to Head Score Submission Instructions for Team Captains:

Save a copy of the Google Sheet linked above to your Google Drive.

Click “Share” in the top right corner, and ensure settings are set to “Anyone with the link” and “Viewer”

Fill in the team name box using the drop down menu:

The sheet will then fill in itself with the relevant information for the assigned songs in your match.

For each chart in your match, fill in who played the chart and the EX score obtained:

Check to see if the boxes in Cells G10-G15 and C18-C20 say “OK!”. This is to make sure your team has 2 scores per player and EX scores submitted aren’t above the Max EX for each song.

Finally, open the Google Form linked above, and fill it in. Provide your team name, a link to the Google Form you just filled in, and upload a zip file of your corresponding screenshots. Score submissions should be processed in ~24 hours from submission – please reach out to a staff member if it’s been longer than that and the leaderboard still hasn’t been updated.